plans for weight loss2024-07-09T05:52:01+00:00

Lose Weight and Never Get it Back?

First, you have to understand why you even gain weight in the first place. there are various factors that play a very integral part in these so we can not blame just food. once you understand the anatomy of your body and fundamentals then it will be very easy for you to lose those extra pounds you have been hating for so long.

Is it really food that makes you fat?

I have seen my clients who were taking hardly 900 calories a day, and even after such less calorie intake, they came to me for weight loss because they have been obese for so long. So, to summarise these questions, we can say that food is not entirely responsible for unwanted weight gain. Here are some of the most possible reasons.

Why you are gaining unnecessary weight

  • Sleeping disorder – if you are not sleeping on time your circadian rhythm must be disturbed and that can be the reason for increasing the level of cortisol in your body. which is attributed to unwanted weight gain.

  • Mental disturbance – any type of mental disturbance can lead you to anxiety eating in which a person cannot understand their food requirement they keep eating even if they are not hungry because the food release is instant dopamine in their body which makes them happy for that period of time. and after that, these habit becomes an eating disorder.

  • Eating disorders– eating disorders is a very vast topic so we will try to cover as much as possible. so let’s just try to understand what is eating disorder is. This is a psychological disorder. it can be either short-term or long-term. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), and other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED).

  • Stress – we normally use food for unhealthy weight gain but the real villain is stress behind those unwanted extra pounds. Stress can make you obese even if you are eating much less than the daily requirement. the hormone responsible for that stress is cortisol. the excess realised of cartisol cam make your weight stuck even if you are working out and eating healthy. diet plans and any sort of weight loss regime can not contribute to weight loss if you have excess cortisol in your body.

  • Metabolic disorder – when your body’s metabolism is disrupted it leads to metabolic disorder and it stops the breakdown of macro and micronutrients in your body. today’s fast-paced lifestyle is playing a very vital role in metabolic disorders in people. type 2 diabetes is the most common metabolic disorder.

How ayurveda can help you lose weight in a very easy way?

In Ayurveda we do not treat the symptom we treat the root cause of the problem. excess weight is the symptom of some health issues which can be a lifestyle disorder or metabolic disorder. because of the bad lifestyle, so many health issues are occurring these days. which were never heard and seen back in the time for example: PCOS. every third woman in five has PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) these days. and which is entirely because of today’s lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits so Ayurveda is not just a treatment it is a lifestyle once you incorporate Ayurveda in your lifestyle you will solve 90% of your health issues for sure.

Fitness package

  • Customised Meal Plan For Weight Loss
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up
  • Weight Maintenace

3 Months Plan

  • Basic diet chart with options for each meal

6 Months Plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis

1 year plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis

3 Months Plan

  • Basic diet chart with options for each meal
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up

6 Months Plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis
  • Customised Meal Plan For Weight Loss
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up
  • Weight Maintenace

1 year plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up
  • Weight Maintenace

7 Days Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Women/Men

Diet Plan For Monday

  • Breakfast: Vegetable paneer sandwich (whole wheat bread) + a cup of green tea.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Trail mix (nuts and seeds).
  • Lunch: white rice with ghee tuar/chana dal, beetroot raita, salad.
  • Evening Snack: Fruit (banana, apple, etc.).
  • Dinner: One roti with soya chunks curry and saute vegetables.

Diet Plan For Tuesday

  • Breakfast: One or two moong dal cheela with paneer, capsicum stuffing and one tablespoon of nariyal chutney.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: one apple with unsweetened peanut butter.
  • Lunch: Dal, white rice, cucumber raita, large bowl of salad.
  • Evening Snack: one bowl of watermelon.
  • Dinner: Tofu curry with one cup of rice and mashed sweet potatoes with green chutney.

Diet Plan For Wednesday

  • Breakfast: one besan chilla with green chutney.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Trail mix (nuts and seeds).
  • Lunch: Paneer curry with two ragi roti, boondi raita, salad.
  • Evening Snack: Yogurt with fruit.
  • Dinner: Repeat the lunch menu with one ragi roti.

Diet Plan For Thursday

  • Breakfast: Rava uttapam with coconut chutney + one cup of green tea.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Banana.
  • Lunch: Kadhi with rice, bhindi sabzi, salad.
  • Evening Snack: homemade bhel.
  • Dinner: Paneer sandwich (whole grain bread) with a bowl of sabzi or dal.

Diet Plan For Friday

  • Breakfast: 2-3 idlis with coconut chutney.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: one apple with unsweetened peanut butter.
  • Lunch: Two thin wheat and besan mix rotis with matar paneer, beans sabji, boondi raita and salad.
  • Evening Snack: a handful of roasted makhana.
  • Dinner: tofu curry with one small katori rice and saute vegetables.

 Diet Plan For Saturday

  • Breakfast: vegetable poha with green tea.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Any seasonal fruit.
  • Lunch: Chole with one cup of white rice, dahi with black salt and green chutney, salad.
  • Evening Snack: Yogurt with fruit.
  • Dinner: Two multigrain roti with bhindi sabji and small Katori daal.

Diet Plan For Sunday

  • Breakfast: Large bowl of mixed fruits.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: one small apple or any other fruit.
  • Lunch: Cheat meal of your choice in small portions.
  • Evening Snack: one glass of vegetable juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable pulav and mint raita.

FAQ Related to weight Loss

Could a weight loss program help me?2024-05-29T08:44:17+00:00

Yes, a weight loss program can provide structured guidance, support, and accountability, which can be beneficial in achieving and maintaining your weight loss goals. It’s important to choose a program that promotes healthy, sustainable habits and is tailored to your individual needs.

What kinds of physical activity are best for me to meet my weight goals?2024-05-29T08:43:55+00:00

The best physical activities for meeting weight loss goals include a combination of aerobic exercises like walking, running, cycling, or swimming, and strength training exercises such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises. Incorporating flexibility and balance exercises, like yoga or Pilates, can also support overall fitness and well-being.

What are healthy ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it back?2024-05-29T08:43:30+00:00

Healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off include eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and getting adequate sleep. Making sustainable lifestyle changes and avoiding fad diets can help maintain long-term weight loss.

How long will it take me to lose 10kg ?2024-06-24T09:51:55+00:00

it depends on various factor  like Sleeping patterns and eating habits and the lifestyle and other factor play important Role to for ex: is here any Health issues,  age and Metabolism. Generally, a safe and sustainable rate of weight loss is about 0.5 to 1 kilogram (1 to 2 pounds) per week. Consulting with a healthcare professional or dietitian can help create a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and health.

What’s a healthy weight for me?2024-06-24T09:54:48+00:00

A healthy weight for you depends on various factors, including your age, sex, body composition, and overall health. The Body Mass Index (BMI) can provide a general guideline, but it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional or dietitian to determine the most appropriate and healthy weight range for your individual needs.

What’s a healthy weight for me

Do I have a health problem that’s affecting my weight?2024-05-29T08:41:29+00:00

Yes, having PCOS can affect your weight. This condition often causes insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight. Managing PCOS can help control weight and improve overall health.

How does my weight affect my health?2024-05-29T08:38:14+00:00

Your weight can significantly impact your health, especially if you have PCOS. Maintaining a healthy weight helps balance hormones, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce symptoms like irregular periods and excessive hair growth.

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