diet plan for weight gain2024-07-09T06:03:34+00:00
  • Diet Plan for Weight Gain

7-Day Indian Diet Plan for Weight Gain

Diet Plan For Monday

  • Morning: Vegetable paneer sandwich (whole grain bread, green chutney) + a glass of milk
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Trail mix (nuts and seeds)
  • Noon: Brown rice with gheeya tuar/chana dal, beetroot raita, salad
  • Evening Snack: Fruit (banana, apple, etc.)
  • Dinner: One or one and a half paneer bhurji sandwich (whole grain bread, cucumber, kakdi

Diet Plan For Tuesday

  • Morning: One or two moong dal cheela with paneer, capsicum, and chutney + yogurt
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Peanut butter sandwich (whole grain bread)
  • Noon: Dal, brown rice, cucumber raita, salad
  • Evening Snack: Smoothie with protein powder
  • Dinner: Tofu curry with brown rice and mashed sweet potatoes with green chutney

Diet Plan For Wednesday

  • Morning: Large besan chilla with chutney
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Trail mix (nuts and seeds)
  • Noon: Paneer curry with one ragi roti, boondi raita, salad
  • Evening Snack: Yogurt with fruit
  • Dinner: Repeat lunch menu with one ragi roti.

Diet Plan For Thursday

  • Morning: Rava uttapam with coconut chutney + a glass of milk
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Banana
  • Noon: Kadhi with brown rice, lauki sabji, salad
  • Evening Snack: Peanut butter sandwich (whole grain bread)
  • Dinner: Paneer sandwich (whole grain bread) with a bowl of sabji or dal

Diet Plan For Friday

  • Morning: 2-3 idlis with coconut chutney
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Trail mix (nuts and seeds)
  • Noon: Two thin wheat and besan mix rotis with matar paneer, beans sabji, boondi raita
  • Evening Snack: Smoothie with protein powder
  • Dinner: Repeat lunch menu with one roti

Diet Plan For Saturday

  • Morning: Uttapam with paneer, vegetables, and coconut chutney
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Fruit
  • Noon: Chhole with brown rice, dahi with black salt and green chutney, salad
  • Evening Snack: Yogurt with fruit
  • Dinner: Lighter lunch portion with half the brown rice

Diet Plan For Sunday

  • Morning: Large bowl of mixed fruits
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Trail mix (nuts and seeds)
  • Noon: Vegetable pulav (brown rice), cucumber raita
  • Evening Snack: Peanut butter sandwich (whole grain bread)
  • Dinner: Large bowl of mango cucumber salad and lauki tomato garlic soup

Additional Tips:

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Customisation: Adjust portion sizes based on your calorie needs and activity levels.
  • Variety: Don’t hesitate to swap in other protein-rich foods like chicken or fish if desired.
  • Snacks: Include high-calorie snacks like dried fruits, roasted chickpeas, or whole wheat crackers with cheese.
  • Exercise: Incorporate strength training into your routine to build muscle mass.

Diet plan Package for Weight Gain

Fitness package

  • Customised Meal Plan For Weight Loss
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up
  • Weight Maintenace

3 Months Plan

  • Basic diet chart with options for each meal

6 Months Plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis

1 year plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis

Diet plan Package for Weight Gain

3 Months Plan

  • Basic diet chart with options for each meal
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up

6 Months Plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis
  • Customised Meal Plan For Weight Loss
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up
  • Weight Maintenace

1 year plan

  • Customised daily plan given on weekly basis
  • BMI calculator
  • BMR calculator
  • WhatsApp Support
  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Follow up
  • Weight Maintenace



  • Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

  • Eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.

  • Prioritize protein-rich foods in every meal.

  • Engage in strength training 2-3 times a week.


  • Avoid processed, sugary, and fried foods.

  • Limit sugar and refined carbohydrates.

  • Say no to carbonated drinks and sugary sodas.

  • Limit alcohol consumption.

Get In Touch
Can I gain weight without fat?2024-05-29T09:21:46+00:00

Yes, you can gain weight without accumulating excess fat by focusing on building muscle through a combination of strength training exercises and a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Consuming adequate calories and nutrients while engaging in regular resistance training helps promote muscle growth over fat gain.

Which food is the most nutrient-dense?2024-05-29T09:15:16+00:00

Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods, rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with antioxidants and fiber. Other nutrient-dense foods include salmon (omega-3s, protein, vitamins), eggs (protein, healthy fats, vitamins), quinoa (complete protein, fiber, minerals), and blueberries (antioxidants, vitamins, fiber).

Which Food Is Best For Weight Gaining?2024-05-29T09:14:06+00:00

The best foods for weight gaining are those high in calories and rich in nutrients. These include:

  • Lean Proteins: Chicken, beef, fish, and eggs.
  • Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
  • Complex Carbohydrates: Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice.
  • Dairy Products: Whole milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Calorie-Dense Snacks: Nut butters, dried fruits, and smoothies.
Which vegetables are high in protein for weight gain?2024-05-29T09:12:53+00:00

Vegetables high in protein that can aid in weight gain include peas, spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Additionally, legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and beans are excellent plant-based protein sources that can be included in a weight gain diet.

Does drinking milk at night increase weight?2024-05-29T09:11:49+00:00

Drinking milk at night can contribute to weight gain if it helps increase your overall daily calorie intake. Whole milk is particularly effective due to its higher calorie and fat content. Consuming milk before bed can also promote better sleep and muscle recovery, further supporting weight gain efforts.

Which fruit is good for weight gain?2024-05-29T09:11:12+00:00

Bananas are excellent for weight gain due to their high calorie content and rich nutrient profile, including potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Other fruits like avocados, mangoes, and dates are also beneficial, providing healthy fats, natural sugars, and essential vitamins and minerals.

What milk is best for weight gain?2024-05-29T09:09:23+00:00

Whole milk is best for weight gain because it contains more calories and fat compared to skim or low-fat milk. It also provides essential nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamins D and B12, which support overall health and muscle growth.

How can a female gain weight?2024-05-29T09:08:08+00:00

A female can gain weight by increasing her calorie intake with balanced meals rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Consuming frequent, nutrient-dense snacks like nuts, cheese, and smoothies can help. Incorporating strength training exercises also promotes muscle gain alongside healthy weight gain.

What is a good meal plan to gain weight?2024-05-29T08:59:28+00:00

A good meal plan to gain weight includes nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Incorporate meals like chicken breast with quinoa, avocado toast with eggs, and snacks like nuts and Greek yogurt to ensure you consume more calories than you burn.

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